Episode 255 - August 1st, 2016 Rob rekindles the heated topic from last week. Rob had a weird dream, but it is not as weird as his profile pic on Skype. Rob chastises Marcus (revisiting a discussion from episode 253) which leads to a revelations about sex in automobiles. Joe once again manages to antagonize shoppers in a checkout lane. Joe refuses to ever do prep for any podcast or radio show appearance. Someone makes an inquiry about buying scripts from Die Laughing Productions and Rob doesn’t like Joe’s attitude toward this potential business expansion. Squeegee kids are scaring Joe. |
Episode 254 - July 25th, 2016 The show is going into its 6th year, but the same audio issues from the beginning still plague it. When Joe asks about Marcus’s feelings on the end of the Sander’s campaign, the conversation veers into a full-on political discussion. Mac Bergson is one of the biggest fans of the show, but maybe not the best one to promote it. Rob shares some listener shout-outs. The new murder mystery is getting great audience feedback from all but one very disgruntled and vocal patron. Robby is seething after Rob opted to not have him perform his song at the show after all, and Joe completely forgot about the whole idea. Gramps is nearly the victim of a cold-call con. Things get awkward for Rob when conversations about Joe’s girlfriend in upstate New York make there way back to her. Rob recognizes signs that he’s matured, but fewer than perhaps there should be at his age. |
Episode 253 - July 18th, 2016 Rob and Joe complete an exhausting week of murder mystery shows. Some attendees make the show better while others do not, including Gramps who takes “audience participation” a bit too far. A listener inspires Rob to revisit a hypothetical from an early episode. Joe tries to call the man who gave Pauly Shore a lift from Albany to NYC. Joe is compelled to revisit the difficulties he had during his stint on WBAL when his former producer’s recollection does not match the version from episode 23 told immediately after the fact. Rob is skeptical about how Joe’s humor will work when he appears on the new LaughFinder podcast. Rob and Joe debate whether or not they should have Robby sing during one of the upcoming murder mystery shows. |
Episode 252 - July 11th, 2016 The listeners have made their final decision about whether or not Restivo will be returning to the show. Mickey Cucchiella has an perplexing event scheduled. Joe received a gift in the mail from a fan. During a trip to Wal Mart, Joe gets really heated about a woman and her groceries. Gramps is saying questionable things, but still closing the deal. Pauly Shore is much friendlier than he was the last time Rob opened for him, and a lot is revealed. Rob has a great weekend with Die Laughing Productions in Albany without Joe. Also highlighted in this episode; virtual reality gaming crazes and Rob's slow internet. |
Episode 251 - July 4th, 2016 Joe has stories from another recent concert which includes some thoughts on handicap privilege and folding chair fashion. More murder mystery shows scheduled within one month than ever before is cause for excitement, but also stress. Joe assists with someone’s special birthday surprise. A topic on TMOS gets Rob and Joe talking about the proper attire for (and what defines) a comedian. The return of a certain local open mic’er to the show is up for discussion again. Several friends are starting podcasts of their own. Rob and Joe have mixed feelings. Rob learns about ultramarathons at a corporate gig, and has thoughts on Robby’s contribution to the show. Robby has some thoughts of his own on a frequent O'MearaCast guest. |
Episode 250 - June 27th, 2016 Michael Chamberlin finally returns to the show and is immediately subjected to an analysis from Joe regarding his sex life. Rob suggests that maybe Mike should be more embarrassed for being personally ignored (and ultimately disappointed) when the honors for local theater were bestowed. The funeral of a well-known balloon artist touches Mike. He also shares more of his adventures at the public library and goes toe-to-toe with a real film critic, US Weekly’s Mara Reinstein. Joe reports on his 30-year high school reunion. |
Episode 249 - June 20th, 2016 Rob and Joe discuss Lebron James the results of the NBA Finals. Joe hears breaking news about the arrest of a radio rival. Both Rob and Joe are fill-ins on 98 Rock this week and two topics emerge from the morning show; wolf shirts and toilet overflow. A listener offers to sleep with each of the two hosts and offer her opinion about which one is the better lover. Rob wonders who committed the greater faux pas by not arriving with donuts to the murder mystery rehearsal. One of the cast members is outspoken about his rocky relationship. Rob would like to see Joe be a little less humble at his 30-year high school reunion. Joe shares thoughts on alligator merchandise and Gramps. |
Episode 248 - June 13th, 2016 Rob accidentally marches in the gay pride parade. Another death in the news has particular significance. Joe discusses his sons’ finances. Rob observes a once top-tier comedian’s shrinking popularity. What begins as a counterpoint to Marcus’s proposed theory about Rob being the better lover turns into a salacious conversation. Rob and Joe take of sex quiz to get closure, but it seems more will have to be done. Gramps was deeply troubled by some things said on last week’s show. After attending a yearly party hosted by a 98 Rock staffer, Joe returns with tales to tell. Rob judges a comedy contest in Virginia Beach and is stunned by a veteran comic’s performance. |
Episode 247 - June 6th, 2016 Another loss of a legend in 2016 has Rob and Joe speculating about the biggest potential celebrity deaths. Rob and Joe wonder how they might piggyback off the live TMOS show announced for November. Joe hosts a big group (including Rob and his girlfriend) during a weekend jaunt to Ocean City, and many tales emerge. Rob observed Joe really enjoying himself and letting go of his inhibitions. At a recent comedy show, Rob recruits an audience member to play a prank on a drunk patron who’d already made his exit |
Episode 246 - May 30th, 2016 His son just graduated high school, but Joe doesn’t think congratulations are really in order for this level of accomplishment. Robby and his girlfriend were under scrutiny by everyone attending the Hall and Oates show. Rob is blindsided by yet another shocking revelation about one of his girlfriend’s former lovers. Robby and Joe test Rob’s Disney movie knowledge when its revealed that he is woefully ignorant about a commonly-known character. Gramps has been up to his old tricks and everyone is brimming with tales of his antics from the week past. Rob, Joe and others will be spending some close personal time together in tight quarters while in Ocean City for a 98 Rock remote. Joe recalls a childhood memory from the beach that leads to a simultaneously revolting and hilarious discussion. |
Episode 245 - May 23rd, 2016 When a new “improved” platform is put to the test live, the results are mixed. There are some concerns about this weekend’s concert outing. Marcus is under fire at the moment and Rob and Joe are unintentionally piling-on. Rob discovers that he really doesn’t love comedy. Joe shares his thoughts on spoilers and then tries to provoke Robby. Joe helps Rob examine the evidence to determine who has violated his tablet. This leads to quizzing Marcus in an effort to determine his level of dislike for Trump. Rob’s bachelor party boat gig is not what he imagined. Rob and Joe discuss the debut of their next murder mystery. |
Episode 244 - May 16th, 2016 Joe explains why Robby is so predictable when finding himself in the minority disliking a movie or TV show. An impromptu discussion about watching same-sex partners on-screen, porn and former sex partners follows. Unfortunately for Joe, the last people in the world he wants listening live are doing just that. When Rob nearly finds himself without several tickets to an upcoming group outing, he wonders what the dynamic might have been among the remaining people who already had them. There’s more to report in the world of Scott Apple. Joe’s girlfriend has given him an ultimatum. A listener pitches a concept for a new murder mystery. Rob is nervous about an upcoming gig. Skype audio is just not cooperating. |
Episode 243 - May 9th, 2016 A baseball bet causes Rob to find himself in the middle of an interminable, trash-talking group text. When a music act is publicly criticized for arriving 2 hours late to her concert, Rob and Joe jump right on the bash-wagon. Robby has a concept for a future murder mystery and Rob and Joe make him pitch it on the show. Scott Apple’s DJ talk-ups received such an overwhelmingly positive response that Rob and Joe can’t wait to do it again and search for other ways to exploit his lack of knowledge and talent. Joe misses a zip line outing due to illness and doesn’t seem that eager to reschedule. Rob gets critiqued on his comedy by an old friend and colleague. When Rob mentions that he’ll be performing a new high-rise retail center, this leads to a strange discussion about malls, childhood and someone’s criminal past. Rob and Joe call a woman who was miraculously cured of blindness and discuss which of the five senses would they’d be willing to sacrifice. Rob and Joe rant on the state of society and its affect on the comedy scene. |
Episode 242 - May 2nd, 2016 Rob and Joe peel back the curtain on the newest murder mystery. Scott Apple gets quite the run with more stories of his amazing lack of pop culture and music knowledge, and an upcoming event he’s planning. His much-anticipated DJ talks-ups also do not disappoint. Rob contemplates the absurdity of the recent incident at the White House Correspondents dinner. Marcus shares his take on the recent brunch conversation. The topic of that cheap meal leads to a conversation about questionable bargains and found money. Joe suffers a couple of blows to his ego, and Rob makes a half-assed attempt to make him feel better. |
Episode 241 - April 25th, 2016 Rob is mourning the loss of both his favorite entertainer and his cat. The Tony Perkins live podcast event was a huge success and it brought Marcus and his wife to DC. Joe didn’t talk to them much, and Robby may have said too much. Scott Apple contends that he’s in better physical condition than Joe, who is outraged by this. Rob feels extra white when he doesn’t understand a rap music reference. 98 Rock doesn’t seem like they want Joe to cover the NFL draft again this year and Rob wonders who at the station might be replacing him. |
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