Episode 345 - February 12th, 2018

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Episode 344 - February 5th, 2018

Rob is back from overseas and he may have brought a disease with him. After listening to the shows done in his absence, Rob gives his review and also shares his thoughts on Joe and Katie's relationship . Rob gives his rundown of the Medal of Honor tour. Marcus shares his crazy Super Bowl LLII experience. Scott Apple goes salsa dancing. An attempt is made to call Joe's former landlord (and friend) to congratulate him on the birth of his second child.

Episode 343 - January 29th, 2018

WIYY morning man, and murder mystery star, Justin Schlegel joins Joe in Rob's absence. Justin has thoughts on a segment from last week's show with Gramps. Joe recalls a controversial hypothetical question he once posed to Justin. A photo that was supposed to be wiped from existence is momentarily saved from deletion long enough for Justin to share it with Joe. Justin is asked to rank the various activities that comprise his life from best to worst. The condition of Justin's older home isn't just bad, its bizarre.

Episode 342 - January 22nd, 2018

Gramps joins Joe and Katie in studio to share some of his stories first hand. Joe grills his father about how he raised the Robinson brothers. Joe reveals his biggest pet peeves about Katie, and asks her to do the same for him. Katie lists the things that make her really aware of the age difference between them. Katie and Joe take a compatibility quiz to see if they are truly ready for the next big steps in there relationship.

Episode 341 - January 15th, 2018

Comedian Patrick Melton visits the studio on his way to entertain the troops with Rob. Joe wonders about the likelihood of a fight among the traveling comics. Joe calls out Robby for two recent emails he sent. Rob's girlfriend does not seem to be taking the invitation to be on the show seriously. Rob makes a costly (but funny) mistake regarding Patrick's middle name and the paperwork for the trip. Rob gets credit for Robby's infamous attacks in the early days of the show. Rob digs himself a hole competing in the DC Improv lounges recurring stand-up tournament. Joe discovers a reality show that could potentially undermine Rob's success. An attempt is made to call Restivo and congratulate him on his team's stunning victory over the Saints. Joe visits jewelry stores with Katie.

Episode 340 - January 8th, 2018

Joe competes with Scott Apple in a trivia challenge. Rob feels pressure to use the gift Joe gave him for Christmas. Rob and Joe discuss this year's very socially-conscious, but tedious, Golden Globe awards. Joe recalls Robby's hostility toward one of the evening's big winners. Rob visits the historic home of an important, former listener. Getting three comedians to take US military security seriously proves difficult for Rob. Rob and Joe join the debate on a contentious race in the TMOS Fan Club elections. Rob and Joe discuss the possibility of sharing photos of their girlfriends with the paid patrons, and how revealing they might be. Rob can't lie to his new doctor about being a comedian, but he's perfectly comfortable fudging the truth about his alcohol intake. Renting the new studio to other podcasters seems like a viable option, but maybe not when it comes to the 100% clean phony millennial. Rob reads some ridiculous comedy gig listings.

Episode 339 - January 8th, 2017

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Rob and Joe bonus shows visit Patreon.com

Episode 338- January 1st, 2018

Working during the holidays is no fun, especially after your NFL post-game show's team just blew their shot at the playoffs. Robby spends the entire day at Joe's house setting up the new studio, but the work is not quite done. The preparation necessary for the upcoming military base tour is troubling for Rob. Rob has one more Christmas gift to give Joe, but dreads actually having to retrieve it. This year the Christmas murder mystery shows got off to a rough start. Joe is finally out of his father's house, but leaves behind the gift of hi-def for Gramps. Rob is concerned about his ability to smile naturally for photos. Joe gets annoyed when his response is required to what he knows is a prank.

Episode 337- December 18th, 2017

Joe is a little perturbed at Gramps for allowing his Christmas surprise to be spoiled last week. Meanwhile he only continued to listen so he could hear his most recently submitted tale read. Rob and Joe accept a holiday party gig against their better judgment. For this year's Secret Santa, Joe is concerned his gift to Rob might be totally worthless, and Marcus almost received the most expensive gift of all. Marcus defends the newest Star Wars installment, but complains about the inclusion of the Porgs. Everyone is excited to see Marcus take on Man v. Food, while Joe admits losing a recent battle with a McDonald's meal. Rob is concerned about an upcoming potentially awkward family moment. Rob and Joe provide tips for winning team names to those who might be planning to attend a future murder mystery show.

Episode 336 - December 18th, 2017

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Rob and Joe bonus shows visit Patreon.com

Episode 335 - December 11th, 2017

Rob and Joe are in the same house, but not the same room. The first item has been purchased for the new studio, and there is already controversy. Everyone decides to share whose name they drew in this year's gift exchange. Rob speculates about the future robot overlords. Joe must quit comedy again, this time because of his minister. Rob wants to include Christmas trivia in an upcoming gig which leads to Joe waxing nostalgic about his childhood and television. Rob had a very different experience growing-up. Joe has another movie recommendation and boasts about interviewing a famous director. SPOILER ALERT: Joe reveals his Christmas gift to Gramps.

Episode 334 - December 4th, 2017

Joe demonstrates why the new studio is so sorely needed. Rob shares two Gramps stories to open and close the show, and both are winners. Rob and Joe have a 'movie corner' segment and discover that Marcus is the only one excited to see the new Star Wars installment. Rob and Joe tempt fate by calling Chris Restivo again, this time to discuss his clothing line. A pitch to do Secret Santa again the year leads to a revelation that someone didn't get their gift last Christmas and a confession from Joe.

Episode 333 - November 27th, 2017

Rob desperately reads a slew of his underperforming tweets. A sad, often-mentioned acquaintance jumps at the chance to go to brunch with a virtual stranger. Rob receives a warning about one of his overseas traveling companions. Rob couldn't seem to get Joe off the stage at the Thanksgiving stand-up show. Joe is getting stressed out about a lot of things including his rising weight. Then, hamstrung by Gramps' internet and struggling to maintain his connection, Joe attacks Marcus. The anniversary of Robby's birth is treated more or less like any other day. Die Laughing Productions may be singing at your house. Gramps spontaneously guests on the show at the request of someone in the chat room.

Episode 332 - November 20th, 2017

Joe questions the way Robby signed an autograph for a fan. Gramps recalls an incident from 40 years ago which begs many questions. An advertising mistake for the most recent mystery show leads to an audience unprepared for what they saw. Joe is stunned when he meets Robby's much-discussed friend Phil. Marcus gets stopped at the border. Rob spoils the end of a football game while Robby is watching it in delay. A listener reports the conversation on last week's show to the former show announcer, and Tim is not happy. Gramps gets quizzed to determine how far he would go to share Thanksgiving with his superfan. Things hit a little too close to home for the host of a new podcast chronicling the sitcom 'Seinfeld'. There is speculation about who might be the next Batman, and Rob and Joe want to give their two cents on each of the rumored actors.

Episode 331 - November 20th, 2017

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This episode is available to premium content subscribers only.
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Rob and Joe bonus shows visit Patreon.com





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